Standard Of Business Conduct

IPS’s policy is to require the highest standard of business ethics and integrity on the part of our employees and third parties acting on behalf of IPS (such as external sales force, consultants, etc ...), and comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries where we do business . IPS has adopted and implemented these Standards of Business Conduct in order to:
  • Emphasize our commitment to ethical behavior and compliance with the law,
  • Establish basic standards of legal and ethical behavior,
  • Describe situations in which we need to be particularly careful and to provide guidance regarding how to obtain help in dealing with legal and ethical issues,
  • Prevent and detect violations of the Standards and the law.
Compliance with these Standards is a condition of employment. All employees and third parties acting on behalf of IPS are required to acknowledge and certify compliance with the Standards.

The Company's management will vigorously enforce the Standards and will take prompt and appropriate action, up to and including termination of employment or other relationship, of those found to be in violation.
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All employees and third parties acting on behalf of the company have received, read and understood the IPS Standards of Business Conduct and agreed to comply fully with them.
